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Chatham, N.Y., where they both worked and probably
passed each other on the street every day
He was a sculptor and worked part-time in a coffee shop
She was a photographer and worked full-time
at a newspaper above the coffee shop.

December, 1993 -- Coffee house, Troy, N.Y. (now defunct)
She was on an entertainment assignment
He was listening to the entertainment.

Jed's: She is a cutie
Siobhan's: He is a dork

Jed's: She is still cute, but a little dark
Siobhan's: He is still a dork, but a really sweet dork

Cydney Cross, manager of the entertainment

March, 1998

December 2001


The perfect dress
The date was January something-or-other, and the mother of the bride had been watching too much day-time television. Advertisements were everywhere. "DAVIDS BRIDAL SHOP is having its annual come-n-git-your-wedding-dress BLOWOUT sale! Come on in PRONTO before all the dresses in the shop are gone, and you have to wear a dress made out of your momma's curtains. ... (I made that last part up).

So, grumbling the whole time, I call an 800 number just to find out the store's hours and learn I have to make an APPOINTMENT. Enraged, I carefully spell out my name and grumble about the inconvenience of having to do so for the convenience of visiting the WEDDING WAREHOUSE. As luck would have it (dense sarcasm), the perky voice on the other end of the line chimed David's had one appointment left on the Saturday Mom and I had selected to make the foray into wedding town hell. "Shall I put you down for five p.m.? OKIE-DOKIE-then."

We arrive five minutes early and are seated with another bride named CONNALLY (I did not make that up) at the little dressing table in the front of the store. A Divine-esque saleswoman makes us fill out a sheaf of papers, shoves them into a folder with other David's Bridal propaganda and foists me off on a tween-ager -- who tells me she dreams of having a Cinderella wedding one day -- to browse through the racks. It's five o'clock on the dot. Oh, yeah. Divine also mentions the joint closes at six. "GOOD LUCK."

I tell Ms. Spears -- my young, tummy-showing dress finder -- that I'm looking for something that is simple, off-white and without a lot of doo-dads, poofy things, trains, whistles, bells and the like. She proceeds to take me to every stark white dress with a train, whistle, bell, doo-dad and widget she can find.

After about seven minutes of this I thank her for her help and tell her I've just spotted a bride in AISLE FIVE who is in distress over the height of her shoes. "She needs you more than I do. Go to her. GO, GO, GO-OOOO."

Five minutes later, after Mom and I had gathered about six dresses, we head for the changing area. I stand there waiting for a dressing room (another fifteen minutes) amid a multitude of brides and their mirror images. It was spooky. Mom questions a rather sullen-looking young man standing near the bridesmaids' gowns and asks him why he's there? He just looks at her blankly. Her question is answered when a young woman emerges from the WALL-O-MIRRORS and he perks up. "I don't like it. It's not sexy enough."

"You must not be Irish," mom says to the woman who's fiancé just nixed the dress.

Before we can alienate another customer, a woman with a thick Jamaican accent, tidy suit and a measuring tape slung around her neck heads my way. "I can take you here, Honey." I follow her to a room, cram myself and my selections inside, then begin to try on the first of the dresses. It becomes painfully obvious that the gowns make me look like Morticia in off-white. As I change from dress to dress, the attendant swings open the door periodically to throw in a hoop skirt, shoes and a veil that costs more than all the dresses combined. I find myself jamming a shoe through the handle to keep her out.

Finally, I emerge from the cell wearing the last of the designer specials. A $99 gown that my mother fished from the bottom of the sales rack. Oddly enough, it looks O.K. Mom thinks it's 'Old Fashioned.' A good sign, I think.

Just then a woman in the dressing room next to mine bounds out in her long, jewel-encrusted dress, a tattoo of a dove peeking out from the lace neckline. "I'm trying the dress on for my daughter," she gleefully tells me for no apparent reason. "She's pregnant now, but she'll be my size again when she gets married ... You know, after the baby comes."

It occurs to me then that some experiences just can't be duplicated, and this is one of them. If fact, I might venture, the very one a bride should savor.

So, as the fitting room attendant fiddles with the sleeves of the gown I am wearing, endangering my balance atop the carpeted dressing perch, I make an executive decision ... "I'll take it."

Game over.

For those trying to keep score: Time elapsed -- 45 minutes.

Sparks fly as beams go up

Don't Look into the Light

"Don't look into the light," cautioned Thad as Siobhan made the rounds with her camera. ... "It's the best way to go blind."
We'll, I'm sure scores of former fifties-era parochial grade-schoolers will disagree with the assessment -- but I digress.
Rest assured folks, I took great care in not having my eyes open as I put the camera up to my face and snapped away -- as this page will soon attest. (This is a technique that is also guaranteed to keep me from having panic attacks between now and September.)
So far, Jed says the engineer he hired to give him advice has sauntered through the barn and showed ample satisfaction in how it's being 'over built.'

Slowly ... surely.


March 17, 2002
Today we held our first 'work party' in which the wonderful and talented Chris Kobuski and the always-entertaining Loren Weinheimer risked life and limb heaving steel I-beams up into the rafters. Good work, guys. Sadly, Mark could not attend as a result of a 'plumbing emergency' at home.


March 23, 2002
Tours of the construction site brought laughter and tears to the eyes of visitors. An engagement party viewing of the barn area was met with ample OOOHs and AAAHHHs, however. And only four members of the gathering even mentioned how "Jed Broke the House."

March 27, 2002
After a flurry of activity ranging from placing steel I-beams, ripping out portions of the old barn flooring and, most recently, demolishing the old staircase, Jed is taking a break to earn some money. "Every bone in my body hurts," he said Tuesday night, as he nursed a beer on the couch. "Oh, yeah, if you try to go downstairs watch that first step ... It's a doozy!"

May 13, 2002
Wow! Two months have nearly passed. ... While we've been playing in the Napa Valley the magic little elves (Thad and Bryan) have been putting in some work on the house between their work at OMI and the various other things they are doing to save the universe. Well the betting should be a breeze for most of you, however, I'm not sure how sporting it will be in the end. The staircase is shaping up. Still no stairs yet, but Thaddeus has been busy getting rid of some of the old contruction faux pas in that vicinity. We'd like to thank whomever was watching over him when he cut through an electric line with the Sawzall. Sparks but neither burns nor electricutions. Woo Hoo. All uphill now.

June 7, 2002
Still no advances on the construction, but Siobhan's party favors are well on the way to completion, and the printer has notified us that our invitations are being shipped. ... With any luck, and some more addresses from would-be guests, we might actually have a party on the 28 of September. Where this event will take place, though, is anybody's guess. We're keeping our fingers crossed. In the meantime, Jed, Thad and Brian have been working on a fence to keep Houdini Dog from visiting the neighbors.

June 17, 2002
The final I-beam has been welded into place. At 9:45 p.m. rattled on the window of the office and yelled, "I'm going upstairs and getting some ice cream." And so it was, the skeleton of our project was complete. And a new chapter begins: Chapter 2: It can't get any worse? Watch!

July 9, 2002
Doesn't it figure. Jed finally gets Alcatraz built, a gate installed and wouldn't you know it ... some wind storm comes up and a section gets dashed by some dead tree limbs.
Ah, well. Life is funny like that.

On to the gallery: The tent rental people came by Monday. They had a good laugh. But we're pushing ahead. Tommy, the caterer, thinks we can do it and that's good enough for us. Lauren and Thad are busy screwing wall board into the ceilings. The next step is taking out the remaining floor sections so we can pour concrete. Siobhan will be off to Vermont turning herself into a pretzel for a week, but will be back to tackle the downstairs bathroom on the 26th of July.

July 15, 2002
Siobhan spends her first day at yoga camp in Vermont with David Swenson -- the dynamic yoga guru from Austin, Texas -- and wonders: "Just what am I doing here? I made a mistake. ... The drive up had been so beautful the day before. Staying with cousin Bridget and Bridget's family is a special treat. ... But all these people know what they're doing, the room is too loud and I can't think. I am doomed to failure! Tell self: 'Go back to the house, eat, relax start again in the morning.' (A little miffed that I spent all this money on some fancy, schmancy yogi and his acquired southern drawl when I should have spent it on the house)."

July 16, 2002
THIS IS GREAT. I made new friends. I ate lunch with them. They are so nice. I love this. IT is FUN. I can't wait to go again tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next and the next (really it's seven days, this thing) .... I want to do this every DAY from now ON!


July 30, 2002
Siobhan is back from yoga camp, Jed has been busy sheet-rocking and putting mud on the ceiling of the barn and all seems right with the universe. Except Jed has learned he's a little too short to reach the ceiling comfortably. SOooo, on go the Fafner shoes -- four inches of polystyrene insulation duct taped to his boots. Did the trick, apparently. He even did some yoga moves of his own.

August 4, 2002
Some people just show up in the "Nick" of time -- Nick and Eva Walters and their children Joseph, Emma and Luke, came for a visit and were promptly put to work smoothing gravel and fitting insulation as we prepare to pour a concrete foundation. Luke, at 20 months old, was not happy about the labor he had to give away. (He kept saying 'Union, please.') Jed had previously spent the rainy weekend removing dirt and debris from the barn and depositing wet clumps of gravel in its place. On the bright side, the demolition is nearly complete. The next step for Jed is to head to Maine to help with Sarah's wedding (I will meet up with him on Friday), and we will be back all too soon to continue work on the barn.


August 12, 2002
We are back from Maine and Jed's sister's wedding (an absolutely beautiful affair) just in time for Jed's birthday. TODAY!!! He's planning on spending it up to his ankles in insulation as he gets ready to pour cement for the barn floor. What a trooper, 'ey? Just to let you know, Sarah and Eric's wedding was as fabulous as they are. Aside from few unusual slip ups all was right with the world. What slip ups you ask? Well ... Siobhan only missed the ETA on Friday by two and half hours because she forgot her dress and had to turn back. And the unspeakable: A garbage foray by Madeline Sunday morning cost Siobhan a little time on the way home because of tummy upset. She's considering getting her car "detailed" now as a wedding gift to herself. NOTE TO SELF: Keep dogs away from people food at the wedding in September. Especially if you get stuck driving with one of them.


August 16, 2002
The demolition is complete, and Jed has spent the better part of a week prepping for the cement floor. He and Thad have raked in gravel, placed insulation and radiant heating tubing and tied it all to rebar and wire mesh. Although the contractor next door told him ... "Aw, you could do that yourself and save a few bucks," Jed wisely decided (After much imput from friends and soon-to-be relatives) to hire a pro. ... So far he's glad he did. Now we're all keeping our fingers crossed that the stuff sets properly.

August 18, 2002
Siobhan's friends got together to throw her a surprise bridal shower. Although they had to tell her about the party being in her honor so she would actually attend (She had told them she couldn't make it since she had too much to do), they lied just enough to keep her off the right trail. She was surprised all the same. In attendance were: Meg Cole, Sue Cole, Kathleen Connally, Lynn Connally, Maureen Connally, Donna Garramone, Linda Miller Cleary, Sheila Peach, Bambi Powell, Christine Shields, Laurie Ten Eyck and Eva Walters. Those there in spirit included Sarah Cleary, Arlene Clements, Mary Fulton, Peg Miller, Martha Petteys, Maggie Galloway and Lisa Porter. Just a note: There were a lot of people left off the list by mistake, and more whose invitations were returned by the US mail. We regret the errors. They were oversights.

August 19, 2002
It's most definitely crunch time. Although Jed had hoped to save this task for his mom (as payback for his childhood fiberglass insulating memories, he says) Patrick Connally came out of retirement to help Jed insulate the barn in preparation for walls. "He was beginning to itch, but he outworked me," said Jed, who noted this phase is slow going. "I promise, by Sunday we'll be painting."

August 20, 2002
We'll the wall progress was a little slower than expected, even with four guys working fast and furious ... Jed, Thad, Pat (NOT CONNALLY) and Ernie. Apparently the plywood walls that will be placed under the sheetrock were stored outside under plastic wrap. A perfect nesting place for bees. They sprayed and waited. Thankfully Patrick Connally, who had helped yesterday and is allergic to bees, took today off.

August 22, 2002
Jed's dad has arrived with his excavator and his contract manager Capt. Arly C. Clumper dog. He's going to push some dirt around for us and transform the sad lawns into lavish green spaces. Sally Skidmore will be by, along with her daughter, Robyn, to work her magic with fabric. Jed's mom will be arriving, also. We still have to find something for her to do. ... Gardening perhaps.


August 24-25, 2002
Whew! What a weekend. Jed and his father excavated and smooshed and pushed the backyard into many new and exciting patterns. There are pathways and patios and places never-before dreamed of by humans (or dogs). Also helping were Pat Connally and Bambi Powell, as well as Linda Miller Cleary and Sasuko (sorry about the spelling). The dogs were of no help, unless you count chasing cats an asset. As the men-folk were playing with tractors in the rain, the women-folk (Siobhan and Linda) bought and planted enormous boxes with hibiscus, echinacia and mums. Keeping our fingers crossed they live through September!

Interior work continues. ...

Quote of the weekend:
BAMBI: "Do you think this will be ready by the wedding?"
PAT: "You know, I don't think it really matters."


August 29, 2002
Holy cow. ... The things that happen while you're sleeping. Since I haven't gotten much of the snooze booze in recent days I'm just amazed at the progress that has occurred right under my schnozz. Jed and Ernie broke through the gallery wall into the storage room yesterday, built another wall and started to demolish the downstairs bathroom (in anticipation of an expansion). When I got home last night I found Jed crammed in a three-foot hole in the floor attaching foam insulation underneath the office space. (He asked me to hang out in case he got trapped and someone had to call 9-1-1! I'm not sure what I'll go home to tonight, but it might be a new stair case. ... Who knows?


September 1, 2002
... And the countdown begins.
We are going crazy. Siobhan's mom helped pick out more plants for the garden ... Artemisia, ornamental cabbages, roses and something that looks shockingly like broccoli. I'm beginning to really like pretty things that look like food. Hopefully I can keep it all alive so you folks can see it during the reception.

On the building front we are still plugging along. Ernie/Eddie has left for Seattle, he will be missed but he gave us quite a going away present. He and Jed worked all day Sunday putting up sheet rock and other such things. Just a little more to go and it will be time for taping and mudding. (We rewarded him with a steak dinner ... Since he's been staying with vegetarians we thought it was right). Jed also got a shower stall, which he will soon install in the downstairs bathroom right off the laundry area. (So when the food fight breaks out you all don't have to sit around in your cake-laden clothes and sticky hair!)

September 2, 2002
Hey, it's Labor Day. ... Siobhan had to work the evening shift and Jed managed to do a little paperwork, but house and garden -- aside from general maintenance and dog yard duty -- got little attention. There was a "Law and Order" marathon on TNT, though. And since neither of us had seen at least three of the episodes before we thought it was important to hold down the couch and catch up.

September 7, 2002
Dennis Edwards made the trip down from Fayston, Vt. on Saturday night so he could toil away in the barn and practice some guitar work he will graciously provide for the ceremony. Just remember, folks, when you don't get hit in the noggin by falling sheetrock you have him to thank. He gallantly climbed up on scaffolding to expertly secure the wallboard to said walls (even though the tools he was given to accomplish the job were well past their expiration dates).

ALSO: Jed's Dad will arrive tomorrow to build exterior barn doors. The other, prefabricated doors and windows have been ordered from a friend in the business in the North Country (Martin Petteys) and should be arriving momentarily ... Martin's lovely bride, Martha, is soon to follow, as she has graciously offered her help Siobhan tile the downstairs bathroom while Jed's away in the Adirondacks getting lost in the woods for his bachelor party.


September 11, 2002
Although this somber day was appropriately overcast and breezy, work continues. The radio tuned to NYC, where different voices take turns reading the names of the victims. Levity breaks though from time to time, to take the edge off ...
PETE (Guy next door): What is that guy doing?
PETE: JED! I was just telling Bob, here, that Jed is obsessed. Everytime we drive in, there's something else missing and nothing new added. (Yells to Jed) Hey, guy. You are obsessed.

September 11, 2002
Well the famed batchelor party is only hours away and Derek, Derek and Conrad have graciously hauled their gear down a day early so they could toil away on the barn. AS luck would have it, Jed's father was on his way, too, to get started on the new barn doors. It would be a full, and happily noisy house! The boys got to work right away, attaching a fence to a fence. (Sounds a little like getting a tattoo of your butt on your butt, doesn't it?) Anyway, once they accomplished that task with amazing skill and dexterity, they moved on into the backyard to place patio blocks. Happily, they were diverted from time to time by the playful proddings of dogs offering tennis balls ... Kaylie, Arlie, Madeline and Maggie were joined by Conrad and Ellen's new pup Bhodi in these most important persuits.


September 12, 2002
The fellas left for a weekend of drinking and debauchery in the north country at camp Garrabuskie with Chris, Mark, Kyle and Nick. And you know what they say ... 'While the cat's away' ... well, the mice worked. Siobhan came home on Friday after work and painted (and painted and painted). Her father helped with the primer coat and polished off a beer with her while they waited for the paint to dry. By Mid-night-thirty two coats had been applied ... just one to go.

September 13, 2002
Martha Petteys, Siobhan's friend, came by on Saturday to help tile the downstairs bathroom. It was a long day that started with a nice muffin and scone, continued on with a trip to the seemstress to pick up the wedding dress, which then went to the cleaners (so they could tell us they don't guarantee anything), and finally the realization that there wasn't enough tile in the house to finish the bathroom (even if we chipped some off the bathroom walls upstairs). So after a little ceative initiative and a trip to the evil Home Depot -- where some woman watching Siobhan and Martha's 'Laurel and Hardy' routine trying to hulk a fifty-pound sack of mortar into a shopping cart, handed off a business card and told them to call her if 'it doesn't work out' -- the pair were able to cut and piece the tile in just about three hours. That's more than half the battle right there!
September 17, 2002
Tonight -- grout! Wish me luck!

September 20, 2002
That girl's got grout! It's done, it's fine and it was fun. So much so that Siobhan is taking on another tiling project before the fiesta. ... (Somebody STOP HER) the landing of the kitchen stairway.

In other news, Jed's father, John, has finished installing the pre-made windows and doors and has completed the jams for his handmade barn doors. It is so exciting we can barely contain ourselves. The siding is going up, painting is going on ... the place is just a-buzz with activity. We might actually pull this off.

Also, There has been a last-minute change of photographers. Cydney Cross, whom some of you know, was in a serious accident several weeks ago and is still going through a painful rehabilitation phase with the utmost grace and good humor. (She even got kicked out of her rehab program because she was progressing too rapidly and way too cheerful). She's such a trooper that she will be attending the reception and will be taking candid photographs. Another good friend -- Sarah Cunningham -- will be taking over as official photographer for the ceremony. We are lucky and honored to have two such generous and talented friends.

In addition to her most generous gift of photography, Sarah accompanied Siobhan on a trip to Styuvesant Plaza on Thursday (9-19) to talk shots, shop for supplies and take care of last-minute errands -- such as getting Siobhan a much needed haircut! They must have had a ball because they were out until the witching hour ... good thing Sarah gave Siobhan blinking ghost earings for an engagement present so she could find her way home!

September 20, 2002

We really shouldn't discuss wedding gifts here, but we feel we need to say something about Sally Skidmore's ENORMOUS gift of slipcovers for our couches and chairs. She, with the help of her daughter, made the most funky, cool slipcovers ever for our sectional and three chairs. She also made a skirt for the downstairs sink. We LOVE them so much they have be sequestered in the living room until we can figure out how to keep our ill-behaved dogs off them when we're not around ... oh yes, and no more eating on the furniture. After all, no one wants to hear the following sentance: "See! This is why we can't have nice things."

September 21-22, 2002
The weekend was too short. Patrick Connally came out both days to help around the house. We tiled another floor, moved and cleaned things, painted things, mowed the lawn, got the downstairs bathroom almost finished and put up as much siding as daylight and weather would allow. Luckily the rain came at night and left us in the morning. All this and we are still under the gun.

Sarah Cleary has arrived and is rolling up her sleeves to handle the vast job of organizing all the outside vendors. We're thinking of getting her a hands-free headset so she can look official (and so she doesnt get a cauliflower ear)!


September 24, 2002

An SOS call went out to save Jed from going under. Nick Walters and Mark Moffett came to the rescue. Painting the gallery, putting up walls, cleaning up and getting the pesky little things fixed was such a relief. We can't thank them enough. They worked until midnight. It's all coming together now.
